đź“Ť 12339 W Ginger Creek Drive Boise, ID 83713
đź“ž |208| 761-3280
📨 idahoswimlessons@gmail.com
To be or have a student enrolled for Private Swim Lessons, at 12339 Ginger Creek Drive, Boise ID 83713, you and 2+ year old student must agree to the following:- Class begins EXACTLY on time. Please arrive AT THE LATEST five minutes early to ensure your child will be ready to get into the water when the class starts.
- If you are dropping off and then picking up, direct your children to wait on the front lawn in front of the house for pick up.
- Parents/Guardians are invited to watch the lesson but must sit under the covered patio near the house, not close to the pool.
- Talking loudly is discouraged during class sessions, as it can be disruptive to the class, and more difficult on the instructor who must talk louder to be heard over other conversations. Please DO NOT talk to your child during their class. This will ensure your child is not distracted and giving their full attention to the instructor.
- Please DO NOT allow children not enrolled in a class to be unsupervised, especially by the pool or on other adjacent properties. DO NOT allow your children to jump on the trampoline, or damage the plants or landscape in any way.
- Please keep electronic devices off or silenced during classes. If you need to answer or make a call, please step away from the pool area.
- WALK-absolutely NO running in the pool area! NO food and NO gum is allowed in or around the pool. Please, NO glass container of any kind in the pool area!
- A bathroom will be available inside the house, in case of emergency only. Please have your child use the bathroom before class so they will not miss class time or inconvenience the pool owner.
- If your child is disrupting the instructor’s ability to teach, they will be asked to sit on the side of the pool. If their behavior does not improve with this method, the instructor may ask the child to leave the pool for the remainder of that class. Please discuss proper behavior in class with them before they are expected to attend class.
- One Starburst will be given to students at the end of class. This is a reward for good behavior and gives an incentive to produce better performance.
If your child is unavailable to attend their class (sickness, schedule conflicts etc), no refund can be given and no make-up class times will be available. Please make sure to plan ahead to minimize any conflicts.
In cases of electric storms, and for the safety of staff and students, a water safety class will be held under the covered porch and students will NOT be in the water. Please remember to have your child dress warmly on these days. Any other form of weather, students will be in the water. There will be no refunds or make-up classes for inclement weather.
Refunds without question will be available up to 30 days BEFORE lessons begin. If for any reason a child needs to cancel their enrollment AFTER classes have begun, if a replacement can be found for their vacated spot, a prorated refund will be given. If a replacement cannot be found, no refund can be given.
In the case of a serious medical emergency, 911 will be called. Natalie Marti is CPR and WSI certified.
Please notify us of any changes in telephone numbers or email of parent/guardians or emergency contacts.